The media seems on a roar with the current theme of their choice – the superstitions that have engulfed thousands of people all across the country, all these gyans and kripa methods that the Baba’s have started on and above all, the huge amount of profit that they end up making from these sittings with the thousands of idiots… Continue reading
Author: bubuenaa
True Story by a Software Engineer
True story by a Software Engineer … As the dream of most parents I had acquired a degree in Software Engineering and joined a company based in USA, the land of braves and opportunity. When I arrived in the USA, it was as if a dream had come true. Here at last I was in the place where… Continue reading
1 Month of Blogging
Finally this Blog crosses it’s first step! It is one month old now. I look back to 29th March when I started it, with some thoughts and ambitions in mind, and so far, not bad progress to say the least. It has had almost 400 visitor’s, and that is a decent start to my blogging… Continue reading
God Help These people
Continuing from the reminiscence of my two posts on “faith” and “Abstractness” I’m currently stuck with lots off muddled thinking to ponder about. I was thinking for quite some time to write about a senior dada of mine (not exactly about him, but the people who stays in his house on rent). I was wondering how we… Continue reading
Abstractness on Higher Dimensions
Continuing the sequel of my last post – Faith. Scientifically there arises pertinent questions that can never be avoided, on the contrary you have such questions to face from the spiritual world of beings as well. Important thing – the principle that I always follow is not to discard anything until and UNLESS A BETTER… Continue reading